Free Online Nia Class for “Go Barefoot Day”

I learned about Go Barefoot Day from a class featured on NiaNow—taught by my black belt trainer Ann Christiansen. The June 1 class kicks off a global Nia dance-a-thon fundraiser to raise money for Soles4Souls. I couldn’t make it to the first class but was happy to give to such a good cause.

The class is now being offered for free until June 30. Can’t wait to experience the new routine!!

There are many benefits of moving with bare feet. I’m lucky that I can go barefoot while massaging and teaching Ageless Grace and Nia.

I love the feeling of freedom and strength when my feet are bare. My toes can wiggle! I stay cooler and I have more control of my body too. When I give a massage barefoot, I sense the energy from the ground, up to my body, and into my hands. I feel more powerful and have more stability when my toes can grip the surface I am standing on.

When I’m not working, I am fortunate to have shoes that protect my feet—and I can choose to be barefoot when I want. Many do not have that luxury.

Stand with me in supporting those without shoes by being grateful we have choices and spreading the word!


Nia 52 Moves: Back 2GETHER again


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