Making Lemonade


I have to admit, at first this stay at home deal was rough. Navigating the roller coaster of emotions from suspending my massage therapy practice, stopping classes at all my locations, wondering what the heck was going to befall humanity, and hoping my family and friends were going to be ok, was not pretty. I know there are thousands of people who dealt with the same worries and feelings.

Staying sad for long, though, was difficult, especially after remembering all I could be grateful for. I am so appreciative of the support I received from family, clients, and students during this strange time.

To cope and stay connected, I began taking Nia classes online. Then I wondered if I would be able to teach online for all my students missing their classes. My incredible husband, David, had no doubt I could teach from home, and so the journey began. We also decided now was, finally, the time to make my website. Both to post class information as well as have a place to share what I am passionate about.

So here you are reading about me, who I am, and what I love to do to keep myself—and my students—happy, healthy, and connected. I teach two Nia classes and two Ageless Grace classes a week, and it looks like I will be able to get back to practicing massage therapy again in May.

Finger crossed!


Let’s Zoom!


Official Launch, Deep Gratitude, and Earth Day!